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The US Cuts off European Allies from Affordable Energy—Now What?

Updated: May 24

The US Cuts off Europe

The United States’ foreign policy planners have successfully separated their European allies from affordable energy sources by rapidly moving NATO eastward encircling all of the oil and natural gas pipelines emanating from Russia. As explained in the previous three articles in this series, the goal is to prevent Russia from infrastructurally integrating with Germany and, following the PMESII/DIME/SWOT analysis explained in a previous report, to prevent Germany from allying with Russia economically, diplomatically, and potentially militarily.

The US foreign policy planners have successfully replaced affordable Russian oil and natural gas delivered by overland pipeline with 30% costlier LNG shipped overseas. Since energy costs are in every step of the manufacturing and delivery of consumer goods and services, the US has successfully driven up the costs of all goods and services yielding inflation, deindustrialization, job loss, and a decline in the standard of living of Europe. The problem that the US policy planners now face is replacing the cheap Russian oil and gas delivered by pipeline with something that is equally affordable prior to the next election cycle in the US and Europe.

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